Providing answers to users’ analysis, searching, visualizing or other questions of their own data

Creating an overall solution that presents data in a useful way can be challenging, but OData2SPARQL and Lens2OData solves this.

  • RDF-Graph: Data + Model = Information, allowing us to combine you raw data with an adaptable model to create meaningful information
  • OData2SPARQL: Information + Rules = Knowledge, provides you the ability to access that information combine with additional rules (SPIN and SHACL) to deliver useful knowledge that can be consumed by applications and BI tools.
  • Lens2OData: Knowledge + Action = Results, allows users to easily navigate, search, explore, and visualize this knowledge in such a way that it is easy to take action and produce results.

To see this all in action we have prepared a demonstrator that can be downloaded, and the following videos which illustrate the capabilities of this demonstrator.

  • Explore provenance of data sources which is retained by RDF- graph and OData2SPARQL rather than losing that provenance with typical ETL processing.

  • Explore the Transport For London train lines, stations and zones, illustrating how easy it is to transform any dataset to RDF_Graph and immediately get the benefits of OData access, and Lens UI/UX

To download and run this demonstrator go toDocker hub here

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